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5 Ways To Decode Back Pain

The occurrence of lower back pain in majority of people is a common phenomenon due to varieties of reasons. Individuals spend lot of time sitting and working. It can have a huge impact on the spinal cord causing long term pain. The problem is also the reason for affecting the lumbar spine of the body and the discs between the vertebrae. Diagnosis of the lower back pain is very important to treat the issue before it paralyzes the whole body. Bony lumbar spine is designed in such a manner that vertebrae can provide rock solid support and also helps to prevent the spinal cord from getting injured. There are many issues that are related to the pain and some of them are mentioned below:

  • The first symptom is the pain that transmits through the arm and the leg:

Reason: poor posture is one of the primary causes that can do more harm than good to the people. In modern times, individuals tend to sit for longer hours in their offices and work on computer systems. As a result the muscles across the spines become weak leading to an increase of the pressure on the spinal cord. The degeneration of the disc follows leading to the occurrence of the radiating pain. Discs act as cushions that provide seamless movement of the vertebrae bodies. Wear and tear would cause sharp pain that will impede the normal movement.

Treatment: As far as treatment is concerned, rectifying the posture is extremely essential for the long term health benefits and relief from pain. You can buy a good quality chair that can provide relief to the spinal cord. Another mode of treatment is to do exercises that tend to strengthen the spinal cord by many notches. One can lie on back and push the head in the downward position to elongate the spine and make it more durable.

  • The second symptom is the rise of the sudden shooting pain in the lower back or the neck:

If the primary cause of the pain is not identified, it will lead to the occurrence of similar symptoms on a regular basis. The symptomatic pain can radiate through the limbs and also cause tingling sensation to a great extent. Patient might feel that thousands of needles are piercing through the body. During various instances, you might realize that the leg or hand with pain is heavier as compared to the limb which is not affected.


One the problem is identified, it is important to undertake the treatment. Do not sit in a particular position for a long time because the lumbar spine would malfunction. Increased pressure reduces the blood supply and causes enormous pain. In between sittings, stand up and walk to get immediate relief. Frequent breaks would go a long way in providing impeccable results to the users. As in the first case, spinal cord exercises should be carried out on a regular basis by the patient.

  • One of the most important symptoms is the change in the way you walk along:

If the style of walking changes, it might signal that the disc is affected and requires immediate attention. If the problem is ignored it can snow ball into a major chronic issue that would be impossible to treat with medicines. Generally the change in the walking pattern is accompanied by severe muscle weakness leading to more problems in the long run. Due to pain, the body weight is shifted towards the left on the spinal cord. Foot drop is another condition that will force you to drag the feet and it arises due to back pain.

Mode of treatment:

It is vital to contact the doctor as fast as possible if there is a different sensation in the legs along with motor weakness. One should also make sure that the symptoms are not neglected. Even walking difficulty without back pain is a reminder that the trouble is round the corner and action should be taken instantly.

  • Headache followed by dizziness

Majority of people around the world use electronic gadgets such as mobile phones and tabs. While handling the devices, they continue to sit in various positions for a very long time. It is considered as one of the chief causes of lower back pain. Pinning the phone during multi tasking puts enormous pressure on the spine and causes pain over a long period of time. Dizziness can also occur due to lower blood pressure and disorders arising in the inner ear.

Treatment: If you are feeling pain visit a physiotherapist who can rectify the problem and provide long term relief.

  • Rise in Upper back pain

The problem occurs due to poor posture of the body and chronic muscle tension. Sitting in front of the computer causes the problem. Moreover, muscular irritation and joint dysfunction can also prove to be a huge nemesis for the patient

Treatment: Diagnosis under expert medical supervision is required to treat the symptoms.

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